Rover in Action
I’m working at a software company. One of our side projects is the integration of new control concepts and input devices to robotic control.
We’ve integrated a couple of input devices and can control different rovers. One of them is the one I built.
Raspberry Pi Pulling the Plug
While browsing for different breakout boards for the Rover I’ve discovered a nice little board that has a push button and logic pin to control a MOSFET.
This little contraption allows switching on and off the power, say through a USB cable.
Using the Motor Controller
The Raspberry Pi has only a single PWM output. The Dagu Rover 5 chassis has 4 motors and 4 optical encoders that need reading as well. So my approach was to get a PWM servo/logic controller that could control the Dagu Motor Controller and additionally some servos for the camera pan/tilt.